Catholic Easter Sunday in 1893 was on April 2

Easter Sunday is the central and most significant celebration in the Christian liturgical calendar, marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, as described in the New Testament of the Bible.

Easter is a movable feast, meaning its date changes each year. It is celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

Easter Sunday marks the beginning of the liturgical season of Eastertide, which lasts for 50 days until the celebration of Pentecost (Sunday, May 21 in 1893).

See Catholic Calendar for 1893

Catholic Easter in future and past years

Future Years
1894 Sunday, March 25
1895 Sunday, April 14
1896 Sunday, April 5
1897 Sunday, April 18
1898 Sunday, April 10
1899 Sunday, April 2
1900 Sunday, April 15
1901 Sunday, April 7
1902 Sunday, March 30
1903 Sunday, April 12
1904 Sunday, April 3
1905 Sunday, April 23
1906 Sunday, April 15
1907 Sunday, March 31
1908 Sunday, April 19
1909 Sunday, April 11
1910 Sunday, March 27
1911 Sunday, April 16
1912 Sunday, April 7
1913 Sunday, March 23
1914 Sunday, April 12
1915 Sunday, April 4
1916 Sunday, April 23
1917 Sunday, April 8
1918 Sunday, March 31
Past Years
1892 Sunday, April 17
1891 Sunday, March 29
1890 Sunday, April 6
1889 Sunday, April 21
1888 Sunday, April 1
1887 Sunday, April 10
1886 Sunday, April 25
1885 Sunday, April 5
1884 Sunday, April 13
1883 Sunday, March 25
1882 Sunday, April 9
1881 Sunday, April 17
1880 Sunday, March 28
1879 Sunday, April 13
1878 Sunday, April 21
1877 Sunday, April 1
1876 Sunday, April 16
1875 Sunday, March 28
1874 Sunday, April 5
1873 Sunday, April 13
1872 Sunday, March 31
1871 Sunday, April 9
1870 Sunday, April 17
1869 Sunday, March 28
1868 Sunday, April 12