Catholic Easter Sunday in 2107 will be on April 10

Easter Sunday is the central and most significant celebration in the Christian liturgical calendar, marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, as described in the New Testament of the Bible.

Easter is a movable feast, meaning its date changes each year. It is celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

Easter Sunday marks the beginning of the liturgical season of Eastertide, which lasts for 50 days until the celebration of Pentecost (Sunday, May 29 in 2107).

See Catholic Calendar for 2107

Catholic Easter in future and past years

Future Years
2108 Sunday, April 1
2109 Sunday, April 21
2110 Sunday, April 6
2111 Sunday, March 29
2112 Sunday, April 17
2113 Sunday, April 2
2114 Sunday, April 22
2115 Sunday, April 14
2116 Sunday, March 29
2117 Sunday, April 18
2118 Sunday, April 10
2119 Sunday, March 26
2120 Sunday, April 14
2121 Sunday, April 6
2122 Sunday, March 29
2123 Sunday, April 11
2124 Sunday, April 2
2125 Sunday, April 22
2126 Sunday, April 14
2127 Sunday, March 30
2128 Sunday, April 18
2129 Sunday, April 10
2130 Sunday, March 26
2131 Sunday, April 15
2132 Sunday, April 6
Past Years
2106 Sunday, April 18
2105 Sunday, April 5
2104 Sunday, April 13
2103 Sunday, March 25
2102 Sunday, April 9
2101 Sunday, April 17
2100 Sunday, March 28
2099 Sunday, April 12
2098 Sunday, April 20
2097 Sunday, March 31
2096 Sunday, April 15
2095 Sunday, April 24
2094 Sunday, April 4
2093 Sunday, April 12
2092 Sunday, March 30
2091 Sunday, April 8
2090 Sunday, April 16
2089 Sunday, April 3
2088 Sunday, April 11
2087 Sunday, April 20
2086 Sunday, March 31
2085 Sunday, April 15
2084 Sunday, March 26
2083 Sunday, April 4
2082 Sunday, April 19