Orthodox Easter Sunday in 2000 was on April 30

Orthodox Easter Sunday, also known as Pascha, is the principal feast of the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The date of Orthodox Easter Sunday is determined by the Julian calendar and is often different from the date observed in Western Christianity (using the Gregorian calendar).

The Orthodox Easter date is calculated based on a combination of lunar and solar cycles. It falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox. This means that the date of Orthodox Easter can vary but generally falls between April 4 and May 8.

The celebration involves midnight services, liturgical processions, and the proclamation of the resurrection. Orthodox Christians worldwide participate in these joyous festivities, emphasizing the central tenet of their faith—the victory of life over death through the resurrection of Christ.

See Orthodox Calendar for 2000

Orthodox Easter in future and past years

Future Years
2001 Sunday, April 15
2002 Sunday, May 5
2003 Sunday, April 27
2004 Sunday, April 11
2005 Sunday, May 1
2006 Sunday, April 23
2007 Sunday, April 8
2008 Sunday, April 27
2009 Sunday, April 19
2010 Sunday, April 4
2011 Sunday, April 24
2012 Sunday, April 15
2013 Sunday, May 5
2014 Sunday, April 20
2015 Sunday, April 12
2016 Sunday, May 1
2017 Sunday, April 16
2018 Sunday, April 8
2019 Sunday, April 28
2020 Sunday, April 19
2021 Sunday, May 2
2022 Sunday, April 24
2023 Sunday, April 16
2024 Sunday, May 5
2025 Sunday, April 20
Past Years
1999 Sunday, April 11
1998 Sunday, April 19
1997 Sunday, April 27
1996 Sunday, April 14
1995 Sunday, April 23
1994 Sunday, May 1
1993 Sunday, April 18
1992 Sunday, April 26
1991 Sunday, April 7
1990 Sunday, April 15
1989 Sunday, April 30
1988 Sunday, April 10
1987 Sunday, April 19
1986 Sunday, May 4
1985 Sunday, April 14
1984 Sunday, April 22
1983 Sunday, May 8
1982 Sunday, April 18
1981 Sunday, April 26
1980 Sunday, April 6
1979 Sunday, April 22
1978 Sunday, April 30
1977 Sunday, April 10
1976 Sunday, April 25
1975 Sunday, May 4