Catholic Easter Sunday in 1974 was on April 14

Easter Sunday is the central and most significant celebration in the Christian liturgical calendar, marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, as described in the New Testament of the Bible.

Easter is a movable feast, meaning its date changes each year. It is celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

Easter Sunday marks the beginning of the liturgical season of Eastertide, which lasts for 50 days until the celebration of Pentecost (Sunday, June 02 in 1974).

See Catholic Calendar for 1974

Catholic Easter in future and past years

Future Years
1975 Sunday, March 30
1976 Sunday, April 18
1977 Sunday, April 10
1978 Sunday, March 26
1979 Sunday, April 15
1980 Sunday, April 6
1981 Sunday, April 19
1982 Sunday, April 11
1983 Sunday, April 3
1984 Sunday, April 22
1985 Sunday, April 7
1986 Sunday, March 30
1987 Sunday, April 19
1988 Sunday, April 3
1989 Sunday, March 26
1990 Sunday, April 15
1991 Sunday, March 31
1992 Sunday, April 19
1993 Sunday, April 11
1994 Sunday, April 3
1995 Sunday, April 16
1996 Sunday, April 7
1997 Sunday, March 30
1998 Sunday, April 12
1999 Sunday, April 4
Past Years
1973 Sunday, April 22
1972 Sunday, April 2
1971 Sunday, April 11
1970 Sunday, March 29
1969 Sunday, April 6
1968 Sunday, April 14
1967 Sunday, March 26
1966 Sunday, April 10
1965 Sunday, April 18
1964 Sunday, March 29
1963 Sunday, April 14
1962 Sunday, April 22
1961 Sunday, April 2
1960 Sunday, April 17
1959 Sunday, March 29
1958 Sunday, April 6
1957 Sunday, April 21
1956 Sunday, April 1
1955 Sunday, April 10
1954 Sunday, April 18
1953 Sunday, April 5
1952 Sunday, April 13
1951 Sunday, March 25
1950 Sunday, April 9
1949 Sunday, April 17